2016 Taipei Game Developers Forum CALL FOR PAPER

2016 Taipei Game Developers Forum CFP

2016 台北遊戲開發者論壇 講題徵集


  1. 2016.07.01 / July 1st 2016 (Fri)
  2. 2016.07.02 / July 2nd 2016 (Sat)


台北文創大樓(松菸)6F / Taipei New Horizon Building 6F

Expected Audience Size

800+ (individual tracks with 200~300 each)

講題徵集面向 / What to submit

  1. 遊戲開發技術議題:程式、遊戲設計、美術、音樂音效等
  2. 行銷、營運、社群、參展等商務相關經驗分享
  3. VR / AR 相關之軟硬體於遊戲開發之探討與經驗分享
  4. 任何其他與遊戲開發相關之議題探討
  1. Programming, Game Design, Art, Audio or other development related topics.
  2. Marketing, Management, Community, Exhibition or other business related topics. 
  3. Virtual / Augmented Reality applications, techniques and issues in games.
  4. Other game development related topics not mentioned above.  

講題徵集方式 / How to submit

  • 請下在方點選報名後,輸入講者資料、相關連絡方式及約 100~200 字之講題大要,主辦單位將會再行與您連絡,徵集截止時間預計為 2016 / 5 / 1
    Click Register at the bottom of the page, enter related contact info and speaker's info, and around 100 words of synopsis of your talk. We will contact you after reviewing. The deadline for submission is May 1st, 2016.

Official Website:http://www.tgdf.tw

Organizer: 財團法人資訊工業策進會
Co-organizer: IGDA Taiwan

註:本論壇保留隨時調整議程、及投稿講題接受與否之權利。We reserve the right to rearrange the schedule and/or refuse submissions. 


票種 販售時間 售價
投稿 / paper submission

~ 2016/05/01 23:50(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費